يدرك القيّمون على المعارض قيمة مدرسة الفنون لتطوير موهبة الفنان وتنمية تجربته ، كما أنهم يعرفون أن الشهادة ليست معيارًا أساسيًا، فهم يهتمون بالفنانين العصاميين وينجذبون إلىيهم تمامًا...
يلعب المعرض الداعم والمتخصص دورًا مهمًا في مسيرة كل فنان. لكونك فنانًا عليك التركيز على فنّك بينما يطور القيمون على المعرض منصة عامة لعرض أعمالك. لعل ذلك يؤمن مصدر دخل لك
. وعلى...
Several strategies will guide almost every artist’s successful search for gallery representation. The way to find an unpredictable representation is possible.
First, stay visible.
Fluid communication is a decisive key to the success of any relationship. The same applies to the relationship between artist and gallerist, and the first step in this dialogue is the...
Gallerists do not just want to see your art online only. They will likely want to have an insight on your way of working and where you achieve it.
Talented artists surround themselves with other talented artists. Meet new people and engage in new conversations.
The only way for emerging artists to enter this conversation, is to...
The golden rule when introducing your work to galleries is simple: Do not oversell yourself.
There are more fine ways to get your work into front of dealers’ eyes:
It’s less effective...
We have to admit that social media is an imperative way for artists to make themselves discoverable and visible.
Building an online presence is valuable for artists. We devour and exchange...
Finding a job in a gallery, whether as an assistant or an art handler can expand an emerging artist’s community to meet gallerists while also gaining technical and administrative skills. The...